We should push harder for end to poverty

We should push harder for end to poverty
- In South Lakeland we have more than 2,000 children who are considered to be in poverty (after housing costs) and the number is expected to increase materially in the next four years. This is not just disgraceful in a wealthy society like ours, it is also a dreadful waste of resources (If you want to check the statistics, have a look at www.endchildpoverty.org.uk).
Many of the children in poverty are in households where there is at least one income earner. So poverty is not directly related to unemployment. Indeed if it was, we would have a very low level of poverty, as we have a low level of unemployment in the district. Actually our issue is that wages are too low, and the benefits system is not adequate.
I am not only horrified and embarrassed by the anxiety, stress, and malnutrition that poverty can cause, I am also shocked at the wastefulness. Children born in poverty have significantly less educational achievement, shorter lifespans, and less opportunities in adulthood. We talk about wanting a highly skilled population and then we condemn so many of our children to suboptimal life chances. 

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